ΤΙΤΑΝ CEMENT COMPANY S.A. announces that the Company’s General Assembly of 20/5/2008 decided the increase of the Company’s share capital by an amount of Euro 169.065.148 through the capitalization of the following reserves, namely a. of a special untaxed reserve of article 20 of Law 1892/1990 b. of a reserve from the revaluation of real estate assets pursuant to the provision of Law 2065/1992, which has been included in the account «Results carried forward» of the published IAS compliant Financial Statements and c. of part of a special taxed reserve, and the increase in the nominal value of all Company shares from Euro 2 to Euro 4 each .
Following the above decision, the Company’s share capital amounts to Euro 338.130.296 and is divided into 84.532.574 shares of a nominal value of Euro 4 each, from which 76.963.614 are common shares and 7.568.960 are preference without voting shares.
The Ministry of Development by virtue of K2-6974/9.6.2008 decision approved the modification of the relevant clause of the Articles of Association of the Company.
The Administrative Council of the ASE was informed at its meeting on 12/6/2008 on the above increase of the nominal value of the Company shares from Euro 2 to Euro 4 per share.
In view of the above , starting June 19, 2008, the Company shares will be traded in the Athens Stock Exchange with their new nominal value i.e. Euro 4 per share.